Aftercare Intructions
How to clean and care for your new Your Tattoo
When you get home wait 2-12 hours before removing your bandage. After you remove the Bandage Please follow these simple Aftercare instructions:
1.) Keep hydrated - Drink plenty of water.
2.) Leave bandage on for at least two hours.
4.) Wash tattoo with clean hands, warm water, and anti-bacterial, fragrance free soap.
5.) Pat gently with a clean towel.
6.) DO not re-bandage.
7.) If itching, wash your hands and apply a small amount of Lubriderm lightly to your tattoo.
8.) NO exposure to bright sunlight, swimming or soaking in a bath/hot tub for at least two weeks. Four weeks is recommended.
9.) Keep your tattoo dry and clean.
10.) Do NOT scratch or pick at your tattoo.